30 Proven ways to Increase traffic to your website

30 Proven ways to Increase traffic to your website
By Dixinfotech Team on 21 Nov,2022

Ask a business owner what they want the most in the world, and they would say “more customers and traffic”. 61% of customers say that their biggest challenge is generating traffic and leads to their website and blog.
Dixinfotech, being the best website designing company in Delhi is going to share some proven ways that we as a website maker in Delhi use these approved strategies.

Table of Content

⦁ How to Increase traffic to Your Website with content
⦁ How to Increase traffic to Your Website with SEO
⦁ How to Increase traffic to Your Website with social media
⦁ Additional strategies to Increase traffic to Your Website


It is an underlying fact that your business will not be able to rank without content. Any business strategy is incomplete without good and quality content.

Establish a business blog

The very first thing your business needs is a blog. You need a business blog where you can regularly publish valuable and long-form content on your website.

A blog is also effective in letting your customers know about your company’s new products, promotions, and business updates.

Increase traffic to your website

According to reports it has been stated that companies that generate regular blog get 55% more website traffic than businesses that doesn't.

The more value you will add to your website, the more visitors and leads you will gain on your website as people will have more reasons to visit your site.

For instance, Dixinfotech, a website designer in Delhi has witnessed a rise of 50% in its website traffic after engaging in regular and useful blogging.

Focus on evergreen and memorable topics

Evergreen content is written keeping SEO in mind so that it is always current and appears to readers as "new" over an extended period of time. These tactics will always maintain your audience's interest and accumulate huge traffic as well as links over time.

Write eye-catching headlines

Headings act as indicators that direct readers through a piece of writing. According to statistics, effective blog titles can boost traffic by 500%. Even the most comprehensive blog post won't get read if it doesn't have a catchy headline. Develop your writing skills so that people will choose your content on the SERP.

Invite others to guest blog on your website

Guest blogging offers numerous benefits for every type of organization. You may position yourself as an authority figure in your industry, network with other thought leaders, and reach a whole new audience on your website.
It is always recommendable to only post high-quality and original content as maintaining standard guest blogging guidelines will help you to highlight your brand.

Generate incredible visuals

Use design tools like Canva to recreate charts, show data, and present concepts. Links to your website will appear on other websites that use your photos. Google is also integrating more images in its usual search results, which increases your chances of ranking and improves the interaction with your result.

Feature videos

Text-based content is good but nothing can compare to video content. Videos attract higher audiences as well as keep them engaged.

Below are some ways to incorporate videos to Increase traffic to Your Website:

· Include videos in your blogging so that they can be found through video search engines.
· Use SEO to improve your YouTube ranking, and then in the video description, add links to your website.
· In your video, provide call-to-action buttons that drive viewers to your website.

Build an effective resource center

Apart from videos and blog posts, there are plenty of other resources that you can include to educate your audience and build trust. Don't overlook the seminars, templates, instructions that may be downloaded, infographics, and other resources. Create a resource page to collect these leads and use them effectively as and when needed.


There’s one problem with all the above strategies. It is that none of them are going to show results if SEO is not applied. You also need an SEO strategy because 71% of Google search traffic hits go to the first page.

Search engine optimization or SEO, is the process of making a website more search-engine friendly so that it will appear higher in search results for relevant queries. Before moving on with SEO basics, let’s have a look at some of the SEO strategies which you don’t want to ignore.

⦁ Search engines are responsible for the beginning of 68% of online experiences.
⦁ 63% of all purchases, including those made in stores, begin online.
⦁ SEO, according to 70% of online marketers, surpasses PPC in terms of sales.
⦁ Before making a purchase, 66% of shoppers conduct online research.
⦁ In a 24-hour period, 76% of customers who look for a local business visit a related firm.

Search engines are commonly used by people to identify products or services that will meet their needs. It's important for your company to appear on Google's first page

Let’s look at some of the SEO basics to Increase traffic to Your Website

Keyword Targeting

Keywords represent a word or phrase that people type into search engines that describes a particular content on a website. Search engine optimization is the process of adding keywords to your content that are relevant to your business.

Making use of Keyword Research Tools helps you to encounter relevant keywords for any topic or a particular blog. For example, (as you can see) the keyword and web hosting and gets the highest of 27,100 volume searches. Both paid as well as organic search is reflected in the picture.


Long tail keywords

Long tail keywords are keywords that are longer and more precise than more widely used keywords. Long-tail keywords are more specific and receive less search traffic, but they usually have a higher conversion rate. These keywords are easy to rank and also bring the most relevant traffic to your site.


Keyword Placement

Placing your keywords strategically is important for On-page SEO. This means that while integrating keywords naturally throughout the content, it's also important to include them in the title, meta tags, H1, and H2 tags, and meta descriptions.


Optimizing SERP appearance

It is not enough to simply use the term in your meta description and meta title. In order to increase their visibility on the SERP and promote more organic clicks, you must optimize these essential pieces of information.

⦁ Meta Description: It refers to an HTML tag that summarises the information on a webpage. Keep it between 150-165 characters as it indicates the value the reader will get from the post and make the purchase action.

⦁ Meta Title: Also known as “title tag”, it refers to the text that identifies the subject of a webpage on search engine result pages and browser tabs.

Dixinfotech, a website designing company in Delhi, optimizes its client's SERP appearance and apply tactics to check website traffic on a daily basis and makes continuous efforts to improve them. With the help of our strategies, our customers have notably experienced an increase in their website traffic by 65%.

Include Internal Links

When you create or publish a particular content, be certain to add at least 1-3 links to other pages on your site in that post.

Internal links are essential as they improve how Google recognizes and ranks your website. You can tell Google which pages on your site are significant as well as what they are about by providing it with links to follow along with informative anchor text. It also helps to keep your visitors on your page for a longer period and view more pages on your website. Overall, this method helps your website rank better.

Optimizing your page speed

Ever waited for a webpage to load for thirty seconds? The longer your site takes to load, the higher will be your bounce rate as speed has always been the ranking factor. Make sure that all aspects of your pages, including picture file sizes, page layout, and the operation of third-party plugins, are as technically optimized as feasible. The better, the faster your website loads.


Google Page Speed Insights gives your site insight which will also provide recommendations for enhancing your Core Web Vitals and other factors.

Dixinfotech, best website designing company in Delhi, applies top-notch strategies and methods to check website traffic. Click here to apply these all-time-win strategies to your website.

Responsive site

Your website's content will flow smoothly across all screen sizes and resolutions with responsive design, and it will appear excellent on all devices. It is important because nowadays more traffic occurs on mobile rather than desktop.
It is compatible even if you have a basic site as it is necessary to make sure that your website is accessible and viewable across all range of devices. It is always advisable to check website traffic time-to-time to know about the actual results.

Dixinfotech, a company of website designing in Delhi, focuses on making our site visible to every customer, including smaller smartphones.

Feature schema markup

Search engines analyze the content on your pages using schema markup, also referred to as structured data. When using Schema markup will make it easier for search engine bots to identify and index your pages, but it won't necessarily lead to an increase in website traffic on its own.

Implementing Schema Markup for SEO results in good site snippets which therefore improves click-through rates.


Update your content on a daily basis

Content freshness is a ranking factor, and even the most evergreen content eventually loses its appeal. Even if your website appears on the first page of Google, you would be surprised as to what refreshing old content can do.
The SERP's new publish date feature can greatly boost CTR and move you to a higher position, which can result in a spike in visitors.

And if you are thinking that you can just change and replace a few words and update your blog. Then you are wrong. Google knows better than everyone.

Introduce Backlinks

The quantity and quality of backlinks to your website are among the most important Google Ranking Factors. Search engines can tell that other websites approve your content if they find backlinks to your website. The more links from authorized sources you can to your content, the higher will be your Domain Authority. Therefore, a higher DA results in a higher rank and higher traffic to your website.

Dixinfotech applies several link-building strategies to Increase traffic to Your Website
that have a success rate of 100%. Here are a few:

⦁ Reach out to credible sites and offer those sites to write the guest post
⦁ Adapt an SEO tool to identify broken links on others' websites and offer your link as a replacement
⦁ Create original as well as high-quality content for which you are sure that this will definitely rank

How to drive website traffic with social media

Want to increase your web traffic that comes via social media platforms? Take a look below for some tips and ideas from our experts.

Promote your content on social media

It’s not just enough to produce catchy and effective content, promotion also plays an essential role. It is advisable to promote your content on the most popular social media channels. You can also post your content on Google business as it helps your site to show up in search engines.
If you are a B2C company, then social media platforms like Pinterest, Instagram and Facebook provide great traction.

Add Hashtags

To make your content more visible, use relevant hashtags when posting it on LinkedIn, Twitter, Instagram, and other hashtag-friendly networks. Keep the hashtags closely connected to the topic of the post to be found by those who are most likely to read, share, and/or link to it.
Our guide to Facebook and Instagram trends has everything you want to know about!

Include referral links

Each social networking platform has a brief part where you can introduce yourself to your followers. Regardless of the name, it is a "bio" or an "about section." On this platform, you can add internal links to your website. Users will know where to go if they want to see more from you in this way, making it easier for you to Increase traffic to Your Website via social media

However, not all social networking networks allow this. You are only allowed to add one link to your Instagram or TikTok profile. The answer to this problem might be to connect to a specific landing page where you can include a variety of useful links.

Add links to your social media posts to drive traffic

Apart from your web page content, you can turn your social media posts also as an opportunity to drive relevant traffic to your website.

For instance, if a user is interested in reading your content further, make sure to direct them to where they can know more about you.

Useful Tip: Conclude your social media posts with CTA (Call to Action) and provide a link where users can get more info.

Share links in social media groups

Utilize social media groups to increase website traffic. Share your information in groups dedicated to your field to identify the people most likely to be interested in it and click on your links.

Add Social Media Buttons

This is the easiest way to win traffic. Social Media buttons allow users to share the page/information they are reading in just a single click.

Post at the right time

If you want to be more specific, you can also look at your social media statistics to determine the hours of the day and days of the week when your audience is most active, and then share links to your blog posts at those times.

You may want to refer to Dixinfotech’s most trending blog:
⦁ What’s the best time to post on Instagram?

We have come up with a few proven ways Increase traffic to Your Website:

Host Webinars

Webinars are a fantastic method to share your knowledge with your interested audience as people enjoy learning.

Send an email a week before the webinar and a curiosity reminder like “last chance to register” the day before the webinar.

Combine your webinar with a social media promotion campaign to increase website traffic. You can also archive the webinar for later viewing and adopt social media promotion.

Begin an online community

Many people want to speak their minds and discuss subjects they are passionate about, hence building a community on your website is indeed a great way to drive traffic.

Business owners can implement a robust commenting system through third-party solutions such as Facebook comments or creating a forum where visitors can ask questions.

Managing the community setting is important to ensure that the minimum requirements of decorum are met.

Take part in forums

Joining forums and social media groups is important as you can share your knowledge effectively. Include links if it's appropriate and if you do, remember not to post links in every post as they should be relevant.

The primary motive is not to Increase traffic to Your Website but to add value and build brand awareness. People who are interested in your product or services will look up to your site on their own.

Attend conferences

No matter what industry you are in, chances are there will be limited conferences that will be relevant to your business. Attending these conventions is a good idea as you can convey your brand message to them.
Even if you gain a halfway decent engagement, it is a significant way to establish yourself as a thoughtful business owner and gain efficient exposure for your site.

Introduce an email newsletter

There are newsletters for every possible subject, and many of them welcome submissions and pitches. Research the individuals in your niche who are seeking high-quality content, and then provide it to them.

You may notice more frequent visitors to your website if you are featured, in addition to an increase in traffic or they might also sign up for your newsletter.

Useful tips: Remember not to bombard your users with too many emails or too many links in a single email.


A common mistake made by many agencies is to rely exclusively on images and videos to attract users. While you can leverage this benefit, it is not enough to get a lot of users.

Considering a paid advertising campaign is an excellent way to drive highly targeted website visitors.

Useful Tip: A good place to start your advertising is Google Ads.

Advertising is a must. When running ads for your agency, these points should be well remembered:

  • Focus on user points
  • Highlight the value you can offer
  • Setting up integrations to quickly capture lead information

    Dixinfotech, the best website designer in Delhi, makes sure to apply SEO and we believe that it takes a few months of consistent publishing, running successful campaigns, and earning Google ranking. Search, display as well as social ads are great ways to attract highly targeted audiences to your online portal.

Final Words

From links to social media posts to content building for website traffic, use these above-mentioned tips to rank on top in the Search Engine Result Pages.

You ought to notice an improvement in your social media referral analytics and an increase in click-throughs as a result.


How can I drive traffic to my website?

Here are 10 proven ways to drive traffic to your website:
⦁ Create compelling and well-crafted content
⦁ Include keywords in your content that people look for
⦁ Start a blog as it exerts a powerful reach
⦁ Build links from trusted websites
⦁ Enroll in search engine listings
⦁ Get active on social media
⦁ Participate in forums, blogs and join communities related to your niche
⦁ Feature email marketing and be in regular contact through email campaigns
⦁ Introduce offline marketing and local marketing
⦁ Track and analyze your traffic as from which medium they are coming from

How can I increase my website traffic without SEO?

Top Strategies to Increase Website Traffic Without SEO

⦁ High-quality content marketing
⦁ Paid Advertisements
Social Media Marketing
⦁ Link Building Strategies
⦁ Guest Blogging
⦁ Email Marketing
⦁ Providing over-the-top services to customers and asking them to review your brand

What is good website traffic?

According to the company stage and target market, website traffic growth will vary greatly, as it does with many KPIs. You should always be attracting new people to your website since some of the new visitors will come back. According to Sullivan, a good range is between 50% and 70%.

What's the best strategy to increase website traffic quickly?

Proven ways to Increase traffic to Your Website quickly:

⦁ Writing a guest post
⦁ Edit & upgrade old blog posts
⦁ Feature your content with LSI keywords
⦁ Switch to “Podcasts”
⦁ Create appealing content for influencers
⦁ Publish Long-form content
⦁ Make your website responsive
⦁ Share videos on LinkedIn, Facebook, Pinterest, and Instagram
⦁ Host a giveaway contest
⦁ Research your competitor’s traffic sources

Is it possible to increase website traffic without SEO?

Yes, it is possible to Increase traffic to Your Website without SEO. A combination of social media marketing strategies and content marketing strategies helps you to increase website traffic without applying SEO.

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